柴田智子 (ソプラノアーティスト)
「柴田は甘く新鮮な旋律を語るソプラノで音程もとてもいいし、生まれながらの音楽性と 類まれな魅力を持っている。 ―ティム ページ ニューヨークタイムズ―
「つうを演じたソプラノ柴田智子は素晴らしく繊細なコントロールで役を演じた」 ―エドワード ルービンスタイン ニューヨークタイムズ―
自分の経験を生かし人に寄り添える歌を歌いたいと9−11、3−11以降もSONGS FOR HOPE等のチャリティー音楽活動で続けている。
セント・マーティン・インナ・フィールド、クロノス カルテット、バラネスク カルテット、新日本フィル、東京交響楽団、読売交響楽団等著名なオーケストラとも共演
1995年〜2000年まで東芝EMIの専属アーティスト契約。アメリカのミュージカルオペレッタを集めた「マンハッタン ドリーム」オールビートルズアルバム「LET IT BE」等アルバム3枚をリリース、その後クラウンから浅倉大介とのコラボレーション「夢の続き」天誅4のテーマソング「夢の淵」等をソニーからリリース、2009年には9−11追悼の意味を込めて柴田初のアメリカやヨーロッパのオペラアリアからコープランドの歌曲までを録音した「アメリカン・ドリーム」をリリースし、現在ニューアルバムを制作中。
テレビではニュースステーション、NHK「青春のポップス」、TBS「題名のない音楽会」「新題名のない音楽会」、日本テレビの「THE 夜もヒッパレ」「オーケストラ ハウス」等多くの番組に出演
ラジオはNHKのFMリサイタル。FM NACK5で6年に渡り自身の音楽番組「MUSIC LAND SACPE」等のパーソナリティーとしても活躍
ミュージカルでは王様と私・日本では蜷川幸雄演出の魔女の宅急便、平塚雷鳥のライフストーリー「ブルーストッキング レディース」等で主役を務める。 リンカーン・センター、カーネギーホール、文化村オチャードホール、シアターコクーン、新国立劇場、紀尾井ホール、王子ホール、YAMAHAホール、HAKUJU HALL等で活躍の場を広げた。
2000年からはメッセージ性のあるコンサートプロデユースーを多数手がけ今までにキユーピー株式会社、ジョンソンエンドジョンソン、株式会社コーセー コスメ
ポート等の企業の協賛も得て、1997年〜2005年までは世界から素晴らしい曲を集めて次の時代に残していく音楽シリーズ「love Classics」を銀座王子ホール赤坂紀尾井ホールで計17回開催。
2008年〜2010年はバレンタインデーに偉業を成し遂げた歴史的な人物に光を当てて自ら脚本も手がけた浅倉大介氏とのコラボ「ショコラ・ド・マリア・カラス」や「ショコラ ド ミラクル」等マリア・カラスやココ・シャネルの人生を自身で台本を書き表現した音楽劇は王子ホール・HAKUJIホール等大好評を博し再演を重ねた。
堀雅貴を中心としたマンドリンアンサンブルグループ「プラネット・スピリタ」をプロデユース、彼らの音楽はユニバーサルミュージックやオペラ座レーベル、NHK、J WAVE等の音楽番組で活躍の場を広げた。
柴田 智子公式ウェブサイト http://www.tomokoshibata.com
Tomoko Shibata (Soprano, Vocal)
New York Times appraised her songs and stages;
Ms.Shibata has a fresh .sweet lyric soprano voice, a secure sense of intonation, a
Spontaneous musicality and no small degree of charm.
― Tim Page ―
As Tsu, the soprano Tomoko Shibata acted with such a finely controlled sensitivity.
― Edward Rothstein ―
Tomoko Shibata has evolved through many challenging experience.
She was about to gave up singing songs because of respiratory disease from 9.11 in 2001.
Also she recovered from breast cancer. She appreciates joy of singing songs.
Through her experiences, she would like to sing for people and keep charity concerts such as "SONGS FOR HOPE" after 9.11, 2001 and 3.11, 2010.
She started learning at The Juilliard School, Manus College of Music.
She received several awards such as golden award in YMCA concur, a finalist in Luciano Pavarotti's international concur, and best award in Angelica Catalan international concur.
She went to Milan and New York back and forth from 1989 to 1992 and brushed up her voice.
She performed with famous orchestras such as Saint Martin, Inner Field, Kronos Quartet, Balanescu Quartet, New Japan Philharmonic, Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, and Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra.
She contracted Toshiba EMI from 1995 to 2000. She reeled 3 albums such as "Manhattan Dream" collected American musical operetta and " Let It Be' from The Beatles album. After that, she collaborated with Daisuke Asakura from Crown and released songs such as "Yume no Tsuduki" and "Yume no Fuchi".
In 2009, she released "American Dream", remembering 9.11. This was her first time to record from Opera Aria to Copeland. Now she is working for new album.
In TV, she appeared in some programs such as "News Station", "Seishun POPs" from NHK, "Daimei no nai Ongakukai" from TBS, " Shin Daimei no nai ongakukai", "THE Yoyu mo hippare" from NTV and " Orchestra House".
In addition, she was on the radio in NHK FM Recital. Also she had her radio program called " MUSIC LAND SCAPE" from FM NACK 5 for 6 years.
She debuted as a Tsu in " Yuduru" in New York and The New York Times appraised and decided to learn voice lessons seriously. She performed a main character in "Rigoletto" and "Lucia di Lammermoor" at City Opera in New York and played a main role of "KOMORI" at New National Theatre in Japan.
In musicals, she performed as a main character in "The KING and I ", "Majo no takkyubin" stage-managed by Yukio Ninagawa, Raiteu Hiraduka's life story called " Blue Stocking Ladies" and so on.
She expanded her stages at major concert halls such as Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, Bukamura Orchard Hall, Theather Cocoon, New National Theater, Kioi Hall, Ohji Hall, YAMAHA Hall, Hakuju Hall and so on.
She often collaborates with famous artists such as SMAP, Ran Ohtori, Daisuke Asakura, and Russell Watson.
From 2000, she produced some statement concerts.
So far, she received some sponsorships from Kewpie Corporation, Johnson&Johnson, and KOSE cosmeport and had 17 concerts called "Love Classics" at Ginza Ohji Hall and Akasaka Kioi Hall from 1997 to 2005. She collected wonderful songs from all over the world and passed down for the next generation.
From 2008 to 2010, she focused on historical characters who was highly accomplished on Valentine's Day.
She collaborated with Daisuke Asakura in "Chololat de Maria Callas" and "Chocolat de Miracle", music dramas of Maria Callas and Coco Chanel at Ohji Hall and Hakuju Hall. Both doramas are highly rated and performed again and again.
From 2005 to 2010, she performed " Salad Anniversary Concert " for 8 times. The concert stated vitamins for mind, which means vegetables and music heal for people.
Recently, she works on new project called " Herbal Music". It means that all creature in this planet coexist in harmony. It is a new genre and mainly mandolin related music.
She produced Mandolin ensemble group called "Planet Spirita" led by Masataka Hori. Their music are played in various music programs, for instance, Universal Music, Opera Label, NHK, and J-Wave.
Now She has a music gallery called " Jiyugaoka Operaza" and performs live music concert willingly.
Now She has a music gallery called " Jiyugaoka Operaza" and performs live music concert willingly.
Tomoko Shibata ;
- CEO of Jiyugaoka Operaza / TSPI
- Instructor of Tosei Showa Music Academy
- Member of Nikikai
Shibata Tomoko Official Web Site: http://www.tomokoshibata.com
Jiyugaoka-operaza bld.1F 1-3-28, Jiyugaoka,Meguro-ku, Tokyo, 152-0035, JAPAN MAP
TEL:03-3723-1723 FAX:03-3723-1722
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